Sunday, April 12, 2009


I hide my feelings and emotions

I don't want that anyone would see how sad I am

I laugh and make jokes

But like all things in this life

There is good and there is bad

and things to make me happy

and others to make me sad

Sometimes I'm wrong

Sometime I'm cruel

Then I feel the hurt of being fool

I keep on acting

Always smiling

The show must go on

And never end!

So I act whole day

I'm happy and laugh,

Even inside of me feel the suffer

I hide my feelings

Now, and hope forever

But still i'm a loser...

The pathetic loser of the all time 


f.loren said...

iboh jadi joker gik lah. jadi betemen!

Khairul Onggon said...

"I laugh and make jokes" haha.. mena juak kata farah loren ya..

Tuk just a poem kah mena2 tuk bro?? Harap2 semuanya ok.. a looser sik semestinya forever looser bah.. rite??

iman daud said...

xda metafor, skali baca trus tauk.. x best la ngakuk drik cmya bro..

zElDrItCh said...

akan tiba masanya btuka jadi nak jd joker tok best..the most creative character i've ever know...

khairul onggon
poems ya dibuat atas apa nok aku tang2 juak kebetulan kdk character muka kat blog tok indah..blur2..apapun btul juak padah u bro...x semua masa jadi kadang2 ya ada la rasa...

iman daud
kami budak baru belaja..kalau salah tolong tunjukkan..hehe...tok apa nok aku mampu pk...nok aku mampu olah...biasala manusia man..kadang2 happy kadang2 sedih...x semua benda menyebelahi kta...

blabla said...

aiyerr.. pa gik kenak ktk tok?
mbak ilek ba..
boh emo2 k..
sapa mdh ktk loser? ktk pun nak?
believe in urself..
mun dah ktk mdh dirik ktk loser,
org lain akan mdh kdk ya juak..
be strong k..

zElDrItCh said...

rindok ati mek bgs gik merasa dirik tok kurang dari bangga diri nok xda papa..apapun thanx for the advise...insyallah..mek akan jadi kuat dan sihat..hohoho....